
Proyecto Visión 21

When everything suddenly changes, it is time to reinvent yourself

We live at a time when everything around us is constantly changing and the rapid pace of change is overwhelming. We need to reinvent ourselves if we don’t want to be relegated in life.

Last week I attended the annual convention of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ). During a workshop, the presenters shared the following advice about how we can reinvent ourselves:

1. Use multiple platforms to promote yourself.

2. Specialize in something different from what you already know.

3. Teach classes at a local community college or university.

4. Get or complete a college degree.

5. Raise funds for your own project or for somebody else’s project.

6. Open your own business.

7. Never work for only one employer or with only one contract.

8. Learn new things all the time.

9. Do not allow your ego to interfere with your goals.

10. Ask for help from those qualified to help you.

11. Constantly look for opportunities to meet new people.

12. Write down a self-development plan and follow it.

13. Learn how to promote yourself.

14. Understand that life is not a dress-rehearsal.

15. Learn how to tell your own story.

16. Keep your name in front of potential clients.

17. Participate in community organizations.

19. Create your own opportunities.

20. Create a support group.

21. Get public-speaking engagements.

22. Attend networking events. Be active in those meetings.

23. Expand your area of specialization.

24. Create different income streams.

25. Show and promote the quality of your work.

26. Write down short-term and long-term goals.

27. Write down a list of ideas, wants, and needs.

28. Transfer your knowledge and skill to a new area.

29. The first day you get a new job or contract start looking for the next job or contract.

30. Research in detail what your job truly entails and what’s the normal payment for what you do.

31. Learn to ask to every potential client, “What’s your budget for that job?” Decide accordingly.

32. Establish a solid online presence, including photos, audio, video, blogs, multimedia presentations, and social networking sites.

33. Learn to negotiate. At times, you need to yield in some areas to gain in others.

34. Learn that sacrifice is needed to achieve great things in life.

35. Become bilingual and bicultural. This is a professional need in our globalized world.

36. Learn a new language.

37. Get a mentor.

38. Be strong in your goals and convictions.

39. Be known as a person with the knowledge needed to always provide a good solution.

40. Help those less fortunate.

41. Don’t get caught in materialistic goals.

42. Develop and implement a business plan.

43. Don’t pay attention to naysayers.

44. Become a mentor to somebody else.

45. Realize that what fills your heart seldom will also fill your pockets.

These advices came from successful people who faced incredible obstacles and circumstances. Now it’s the time to transform ourselves. After all, the future is not going to wait for us.


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