
Proyecto Visión 21

Blog posts August 2017

The “Great American Eclipse” even led to speculation about ETs and percentages

Francisco Miraval

Last week, I had the privilege of watching and experiencing the solar eclipse that was also seen over a large section of the United States. I must say that without a doubt it was a unique experience with different layers of meanings, generating amazement, reverence, and even a touc…

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Extraterrestres y matemáticas formaron parte del “Gran Eclipse Americano”


Francisco Miraval

La semana pasada tuve la oportunidad de ver y sentir (palpitar, sería mejor) el eclipse de sol que se vio en gran parte de Estados Unidos. Debo confesar que, sin dudas, se trata de una experiencia única, llena de significados y con una mezcla de gran asombro, un poco de espectác…

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Normal life may not get too much attention, but its message is powerful

Francisco Miraval

Recent incidents in the United States and in Spain, not to forget so many other similar incidents in so many other places both now and in the past, are a reminder of how difficult is to live a normal life interacting with different groups if one group, regardless of its origin or i…

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A veces, la normalidad dice más que cualquier marcha o protesta

Francisco Miraval

Los recientes incidentes en Estados Unidos y en España, sumados a tanto otros incidentes en tantos otros lugares en el presente y en el pasado, nos recuerdan cuán difícil es fomentar una convivencia positiva entre distintos grupos cuando uno de esos grupos, cualquiera que fuese su …

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Three imminent dangers of the new future: ignorance, closed-minds, and hallucinations

Francisco Miraval

The imminent future, where we are now immersed (whether we like it or not), seems to welcome us with three perhaps unavoidable dangers: ignorance created because education has not yet been adapted to the new reality; closed minds, hearts, and wills against “unknown” ideas and peopl…

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Los tres peligros del futuro inminente: ignorancia, cerrazón y alucinaciones

El futuro inminente, del que ya somos parte (nos guste o no), parece recibirnos con tres grandes peligros: la ignorancia provocada por la falta de adaptación de la educación a la nueva realidad, la cerrazón de la mente y del corazón a ideas o personas “desconocidas”, y la aceptación acrítica de aluc…

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Helping is quite different from showing off, give orders, and exhibit your privileges

Francisco Miraval

I recently attended a community meeting where residents in several neighborhoods were looking for answers to pollution and health issues affecting them. As expected, many local “community leaders” (please, note the quotation marks) were also there, but not to express solidarity or …

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Hacerse ver, dar órdenes y exhibir privilegios poco y nada hace para ayudar a otros

Francisco Miraval

Recientemente asistí a un encuentro comunitario en el que residentes de varios vecindarios se reunieron para tratar de resolver un acuciante problema relacionado con limpieza y salud. Como era de esperar, “dirigentes” (por favor, notar las comillas) también se hicieron presentes en…

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