Francisco Miraval
A number of years ago I read that Gandhi once said that poverty is the worst form of violence. However, it is just recently (and only partially) that I began to understand the meaning of that statement.
I am taking an on…
Francisco Miraval
A number of years ago I read that Gandhi once said that poverty is the worst form of violence. However, it is just recently (and only partially) that I began to understand the meaning of that statement.
I am taking an on…
Francisco Miraval
Alguna vez leí que Gandhi dijo que la pobreza es la peor forma de violencia. Sin embargo, recién ahora (y sólo en parte) comencé a entender el significado y la dimensión de aquella afirmación.
Tengo el privilegio d…
Francisco Miraval
We should all celebrate the incredible accomplishment by the European Space Agency of landing a probe on a comet. The meeting between the Rosetta space probe and comet 67P is a historical event for our knowledge of the …
Francisco Miraval
La extraordinaria misión de la nave espacial Rosetta al cometa 67P debe ser debidamente celebrada como un acontecimiento de históricas proporciones para nuestro conocimiento del universo y de nosotros mismos. A la vez, …
Francisco Miraval
Last week, in the context of the midterm elections, I had to fulfill two duties: voting and reporting about the elections. After all, as it was clear once the election results became known, those elections will shape th…
Francisco Miraval
La semana pasada, en el día de las elecciones, decidí cumplir con dos deberes: el de votar y, como periodista, el de cubrir la historia de las votaciones. Como quedó claro al conocerse los resultados, las elecciones cam…
Francisco Miraval
A few weeks ago, a trip that usually takes no more than 45 minutes took me two and a half hours, due to construction and accidents. A few days later, a short trip of no more than 20 minutes turned into a 90 minutes trek. For that reason, I am beginning to wonder what the name is for…
Francisco Miraval
Recientemente, un viaje que debería haberme llevado unos 45 minutos me llevó dos horas y media, debido a construcción y accidentes. Poco después, otro viaje que realizo con frecuencia en no más de 20 minutos me tomó una…
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